Hi there! My name's Ning, and welcome to my website. I write and make art about gods, angels, and stupid teenagers. Feel free to take a look at some of my projects, watch some of my short films and animations, or read more about me.


My Lonely Soldier

A monthly fantasy webcomic about memories, loyalty, and the consequences of being given a sword as an adolescent.


An epistolary webcomic about Beasts who fight wars and mourn lovers. Currently in development with BONK Comics.


Whale Fall

A short story about an angel falling over a medieval civilization. Published in Stork Magazine's Spring 2023 Issue.

My Parents Got Isekai'ed to America

A comic immigration and isekais. Published in Lunchbox Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 1: Echoes.

His Grandmother's Kitchen

A short story about apartment hunting. Published in Lunchbox Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 2: The Taster Issue.



Contact me!

Instagram: @foxship.art

RedBubble: FoxshipArt



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