Welcome, welcome. My name's Ning, and I'm an artist and writer who's currently at Emerson College studying Media Arts Production with a minor in psychology.
I really love animation, video games, and comics -- learning about all the ways to visually tell stories is super fascinating to me. I'm also really interested in psychology, the diagnostic criteria for various mental health conditions, Classical Mediterranean civilizations (shout-out to Rome), and media criticism, especially in regards to video games and interactive media.
I've grown up writing and drawing, but I've recently wanted to learn more technical skills like coding -- hence this website, serving as my first official coding project. It's been hard trying to settle on the right "vibe" -- sleek? space-themed? retro? In any case, I want it to be fun and personal.
Interested in my professional experience? Take a look at my resume.
Some of my favorite...
Fantasy is a Metaphor for the Human Condition by Erin Roseberry
An amazing comic about artistry, fantasy, and disability. I found out I have a business card from Erin Roseberry -- this feels like realizing you met a celebrity months after you actually met them.
Toormina Video by Pat Grant
A story about fathers and comic artists. The last panel always hits so hard.
Corpse by Ratt
When sheep create a religion. I remember reading this comic right before my Media Criticism class, and I couldn't stop thinking about it all during class.

Video Games

Hollow Knight
On my first playthrough, I got so frustrated that I installed the invincibility mod and quit the game. A year later, I returned, removed the mod, and killed my shade. I found the City of Tears and couldn't stop playing afterwards.
Omori might have been the first game I bought on Steam. I started playing because I loved the art style and psychological horror aspects, but the tragedy of the story is what ultimately cemented the game into my brain.
I've only played a few hours so far but oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. It's so good.

Movies & TV Shows
Over the Garden Wall
I love the humor and sincerity of this show. The music, animation, worldbuilding all work together to create a story about loss, brotherhood, and the tribulations of being fourteen.
The X Files
When me and my sister were younger, we asked my dad if he could get the X-men from the library. He returned with season 1 of the X Files. We ended up watching the rest of the show, but that first episode really scared us at the time.
Avatar: the Last Airbender
An INCREDIBLE piece of art. This show really kickstarted my interest in animation -- I love how the show animates action and emotions, and I hope to capture that kind of movement and intimacy in my own art as well.

The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
I started reading for a sweet, light-hearted story about a Mole and a Rat and ended up with harsh winters, old homes, and forest gods.
I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid
An excellent horror book. One night, I was reading this until 3am, and I got so scared that I played the Semantle to calm myself down. Unfortunately, the secret word that day was "meat," so I felt a rush of horror when I input the word "blood" and received a highly accurate rating in return.